Your Phone will speak !

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Voice Phone

Voice Notifications for calls, messages, time, battery & apps.
Voice Reminders.

Listen to notifications !

Available only for Android

Incoming phone calls

Know who is calling without reaching out for your phone. Voice Phone can read out the caller name or number. 

Text Messages / SMS

Reads out sender name and optionally the text message content


Get super productive by keeping a constant watch on time. Period time announcements. Custom messages can be added before and after time announcements


Hear notifications posted by apps. You can select the apps which you want to hear. Know who just sent the new WhatsApp message without taking out your phone. Hear everything


Get low battery warnings. Avoid over charging by getting battery charge full alert. Get charging progress.

Voice Reminders

Stop procrastinating. Audible reminders which can be set to repeat reminds you until the job is done. 

More Features

- Shake the phone to silence notifications

- Silent configurable night hours

- Auto disable voice notifications when music is played

- Wired and Wireless/Bluetooth headset support

- Notify only when headset is plugged in

No more looking at the phone screen for all alerts !

Get Voice Phone now !