How to share USB devices over network ?
USBDeviceShare can be used to share USB devices and access them remotely over network (over IP, over Ethernet). Using our software you can share USB devices like storage drives (USB drive), USB dongles, USB printers, USB scanners, USB cameras etc and access them remotely from other computers in your network (LAN) or over internet (IP).

USBDeviceShare has 2 components : Server and Client. You can download both of them from
- Install USBDeviceShare USB Server where devices are physically present -
USBDeviceShare USB Server is used to share USB devices over network. Install server where devices are present and where they need to be made remotely accessible. The server user interface will show all USB devices connected to the server PC as shown below.
To share a device, right click on it, and select 'Share'
Once the device is successfully shared, it's status is chaged to 'Shared' as shown below.
Once a device is shared using the server user interface, it will not be available in the server computer until the sharing is stopped. To access this shared device from another computer use USBDeviceShare client software.
- Use USBDeviceShare Client software to remotely access the shared USB devices -
Use the USBDeviceShare Client to connect to USBDeviceShare Server. Install client where devices need to be remotely accessed. In the client software, click the 'Add Server' icon to connect to the server. You need to provide the Server Name and Port. If you have not chaged the Server Port in the Server Settings, just leave the Port field unchanged.
Once you successfully connect to server, you will be able to see all devices shared at the server as shown below.
To access a device, right click the device and select 'Connect'
Once you successfully connect to the device, you will be able to see the device in the Windows Device Manager of the client computer and access the device as if it is locally plugged in.
For more details please refer USBDeviceShare Online Help Manual.